Is A European River Cruise Right for You?

Whether or not you should take a European river cruise depends on your personal interests and preferences. Here are some factors to consider:

  1. Your travel style: If you enjoy the convenience of having everything arranged for you, including accommodations, meals, and activities, a river cruise may be a good fit. On the other hand, if you prefer a more independent travel experience, a river cruise may feel too structured.

  2. Your interests: European river cruises offer a unique perspective on Europe's cities and countryside. If you're interested in history, art, culture, and scenic landscapes, a river cruise could be a great way to experience these things in a comfortable and relaxing way.

  3. Your budget: European river cruises can be expensive, especially during peak travel seasons. Be sure to factor in the cost of the cruise itself, as well as any additional expenses like airfare, shore excursions, and onboard activities.

  4. Your health and mobility: If you have mobility issues or health concerns, be sure to consider whether a river cruise is a good fit for your needs. River cruise ships are generally smaller and more intimate than ocean cruises, which can be an advantage, but they may not have all the same amenities or accessibility features.

Ultimately, the decision to take a European river cruise is a personal one. If you enjoy a comfortable, organized travel experience that allows you to see multiple destinations without the hassle of packing and unpacking, a river cruise could be a great option for you. We work closely with the BEST cruise lines that provide river cruises in Europe (Asia & Africa too!) Reach out to our travel advisors for more information.